August 2023 Forecasts and Discussions

Weather reports, analysis etc. pertaining to Southern BC.
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Re: August 2023 Forecasts and Discussions

Post by AbbyJr »

Bonovox wrote: Mon Aug 21, 2023 10:58 am Jeez guys. Now we’re talking about religion and the origins of Christmas in the weather thread. Ridiculous.
I know, I'm sorry about that. My bad. :oops:

However, the only reason I responded here was because I had something to say on the topic and it was already brought up in the thread.

That said, I don't think it's a big deal to go off topic a bit here and there as long as people aren't being rude. However, this could be a controversial subject so it's probably best to do it in another thread. :thumbup:
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Re: August 2023 Forecasts and Discussions

Post by AbbyJr »

wetcoast91 wrote: Mon Aug 21, 2023 11:49 am What's your Christmas forecast this year?

I think we finally see a sunny Christmas with temps soaring to +11C.
Rapidly dropping temperatures with the arctic front and 12 hours of heavy snow. November 26th, 2006 repeat on December 25th 2023.

Lock it in. :clap: :flakey:
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Re: August 2023 Forecasts and Discussions

Post by AbbyJr »

Another heatwave late next week into the weekend. :wave:

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Re: August 2023 Forecasts and Discussions

Post by stuffradio »

PortKells wrote: Mon Aug 21, 2023 9:53 am I think people have a christmas fetish. If only it was widely known what the origins of christmas are. (Hint: Pagans invented the whole thing and christianity slapped Christ on it)
I definitely know that Christmas itself was there in December because it was supposed to replace a pagan holiday. It doesn't take away the joy of celebrating it for me though. I also agree that the commercialism isn't a part of the Christian aspect of the holiday. You can take it to many extremes like not buying a Christmas tree at all.

Anyway, there are rain chances soon. :)
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Re: August 2023 Forecasts and Discussions

Post by stuffradio »

AbbyJr wrote: Mon Aug 21, 2023 12:16 pm Rapidly dropping temperatures with the arctic front and 12 hours of heavy snow. November 26th, 2006 repeat on December 25th 2023.

Lock it in. :clap: :flakey:
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Re: August 2023 Forecasts and Discussions

Post by Typeing3 »

PortKells wrote: Mon Aug 21, 2023 9:53 am I think people have a christmas fetish. If only it was widely known what the origins of christmas are. (Hint: Pagans invented the whole thing and christianity slapped Christ on it)
Was originally a festival based on the solstice.
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Re: August 2023 Forecasts and Discussions

Post by Glacier »

Rubus_Leucodermis wrote: Mon Aug 21, 2023 11:34 am Not a Christian but I have no problem with your doing the above.

It is also the case that the most important holiday in Christianity is Easter (which is another rebranded Pagan holiday), not Christmas. (Christianity is much more about Jesus' death and resurrection than it is about his birth.) Yet all the big hulabaloo is about Christmas. That alone suffices to prove that the reason Christmas is such a big thing is not religious. It's capitalism: Christmas involves giving gifts as a tradition, and giving gifts implies having to buy them in the first place.

As to rebranded Pagan holidays: of course the early Christians chose to do that. They had to, in order to win converts. The Pagans had these big fun parties as the seasons changed. It was not a winning move to say to potential converts “Join our club and these parties you are used to and enjoy will now be SINS that you will be held accountable for later.” Rebranding Yule and Eostar as having to do with key events in Jesus’ life let early Christians to be able to say “No, we’re not being Pagans anymore. We are celebrating Jesus.” and continue to have the fun festivals. As the old saying goes: “You catch more flies with honey than with vinegar.”
I mean no disrespect to anyone here, but the truth is, neither Christmas nor Easter have pagan origins. I know several Christians who think they do, but they are so wrong. It's Alex Jones level conspiracy theory stuff that no credible historian believes.

Same goes for Halloween, btw.

Here are some interesting short videos that debunk these origin myths...


Longer version:



Now that we got that out of the way, it's time to hit the road. Later, dudes...

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Re: August 2023 Forecasts and Discussions

Post by Bonovox »

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Spring/Summer :sick: Fall/Winter :thumbup:

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Re: August 2023 Forecasts and Discussions

Post by Bonovox »

Here is the link so you can play the video. ... 97659?s=20
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Spring/Summer :sick: Fall/Winter :thumbup:

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Re: August 2023 Forecasts and Discussions

Post by PortKells »

Bonovox wrote: Mon Aug 21, 2023 1:18 pm Here is the link so you can play the video. ... 97659?s=20
Oh funk.
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Re: August 2023 Forecasts and Discussions

Post by Typeing3 »

wetcoast91 wrote: Mon Aug 21, 2023 11:49 am What's your Christmas forecast this year?

I think we finally see a sunny Christmas with temps soaring to +11C.
One day we'll get that Christmas 1980 repeat... 18c in Abbotsford!!
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Re: August 2023 Forecasts and Discussions

Post by Typeing3 »

Bonovox wrote: Mon Aug 21, 2023 12:09 pm If I can’t have it snowy, give me 3c rain please. Thanks.
Good for the mountains!
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Re: August 2023 Forecasts and Discussions

Post by Weather101 »

Leighbugs wrote: Sun Aug 20, 2023 5:02 am And finally...ome more thing because I want to clarify the numerous things that keep coming up. As for other members and why they got away with (fill in the blank.) I can just say, I don't know. Because it's true, I haven't been here much lately due to, I hope to change that. All I know is I logged in today and it was turning into a war here and since I didn't see any other mods here at the time, I figured I would try and deal with it. I am pretty open-minded and pretty fair, I think. My main belief is that everyone deserves respect, even if we disagree. Once respect goes out the window, it's time to step in.

That being said, I suppose I could have just not taken any action at all. Perhaps I am wrong in doing so. If I am, I apologize. But I was torn when I came on here and saw things going quickly downhill, so I intervened. If I should have left it for a different mod, I do apologize. I really was trying to be helpful and keep this place peaceful but unfortunately, I was met with endless resistance. I am willing to listen if people don't agree with me though and I am not above constructive criticism when it's given respectfully.
My main issue ( and this will be the last time I speak on this topic)

Is that 7 years ago when Hawk messaged me asking for my address so we could fight, Nothing was done. I even provided screenshots because he denied it on the forum and he still called me a B*tch and a snitch. He's done this 3 separate times to me and nobody once even thought about banning him.

Eventually when you allow someone to constantly attack someone then things will escalate like they did on the weekend. Should I have said nothing? Yes, I should have said nothing, but I'm annoyed and pissed that 3 members get away with this stuff, yet I'm the one that's made an example..

I don't hate anyone on here, but things are constantly said and said in a way that they can say, " I never said that," but you can see through the B.S

I'm usually always on topic, and only recently, I've joined the climate discussion cause it should be talked about.

At the end of the day, I'll avoid posts that I don't like. But I promise you that by winter, things will escalate if things are allowed to be said.
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Re: August 2023 Forecasts and Discussions

Post by Weather101 »

Ovonucks wrote: Sun Aug 20, 2023 3:32 am Hawk and John are allowed to comment absolute nonsense for years and nothing ever happens to those guys. Hawk is one of the most notorious offenders on here. JR is allowed to spout nonsense about climate change but when Weather101 points stuff out it gets deleted? That's not right.

It has been going on for years. It's one of the reasons I don't post allowed. You either moderate fairly or don't do it. Bogus that W101 is being censored.
I've had a few members privately message me agreeing with me, which was nice.
I won't say who, but thank you!

I'm just going to post less and just avoid posts that I know are meant to get under my skin.

Anyways on to weather
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Re: August 2023 Forecasts and Discussions

Post by Weather101 »

AbbyJr wrote: Mon Aug 21, 2023 12:12 pm I know, I'm sorry about that. My bad. :oops:

However, the only reason I responded here was because I had something to say on the topic and it was already brought up in the thread.

That said, I don't think it's a big deal to go off topic a bit here and there as long as people aren't being rude. However, this could be a controversial subject so it's probably best to do it in another thread. :thumbup:
Christmas is great for spending time with loved ones. We all pause for a day and get family time, which, at least for me, is difficult throughout the year. I look at Christmas for spending time with people you care for, sharing gifts, and having a great sit-down meal!

I don't even think of Jesus on Christmas lol
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